24/7 Emergency Line Coverage
When you find yourself in a self-defense situation, it's absolutely crucial to have immediate access to your attorney who can offer you the legal counsel you desperately need.
Read More ›Bail Bond Coverage
In the aftermath of a self-defense incident, you may be arrested and placed in jail on bond. It's not uncommon for individuals and their families to be unprepared for such a financial burden.
Read More ›Court Costs and Defense-Related Coverage
When you’re a member of the Attorneys On Retainer program, we will cover 100% of your criminal and civil defense fees. Being that we’re a law firm, this enables us to cover those expenses by using our attorneys already on payroll.
Read More ›Criminal and Civil Defense Coverage
If you’re involved in a self-defense-related incident, you’ll need a legal defense to protect your rights in a criminal trial. After your criminal trial, you might have to return for a civil trial where you could be sued by the attacker or their family.
Read More ›Expert Witness Coverage
Criminal defense attorneys will utilize every available tool to prove your innocence in trial following a self-defense incident. One of the most persuasive tools your attorney can use in a criminal trial is an expert witness.
Read More ›Free Strategy Sessions
Strategy Sessions are FREE for AOR members in all self-defense-related legal matters. A strategy session is a comprehensive initial meeting with an attorney from the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm to discuss your potential case in detail.
Read More ›Investigator Coverage
Attorneys often rely on a variety of tools and resources to build a persuasive case, a resource that plays a pivotal role in a case is the private investigator. These skilled professionals bring a unique set of skills and expertise to the table.
Read More ›Non-Self-Defense Legal Matters
There are many reasons responsible gun owners become members of Attorneys On Retainer. One of those is having legal protection provided by the Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm.
Read More ›Occupational Security Coverage
Occupational security coverage protects employees in high-risk professions. Industries like private security guards have protocols for employee safety, but personal safety measures may still be necessary in certain situations such as encounters with armed intruders or life-threatening scenarios.
Read More ›Retrial Coverage
In a self-defense case, there could be an irregularity in the court proceedings or newly discovered evidence that the attorneys need to present to the court, this causes a retrial. The retrial may favor the opposing party and result in a different outcome than the original trial.
Read More ›Victim Representation Coverage
If a person commits a crime causing an AOR member to act in self-defense, Attorneys On Retainer will represent our member and bring criminal charges against their attacker. If your attacker tries to secure an unjust plea deal, our attorneys will take them to trial.
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