About the AOR Membership:
Unlike most traditional self-defense plans, The Attorneys On Retainer Program is a unique and creative solution administered by The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm. You not only receive the unmatched legal services and representation from an established law firm, but you also receive income generating opportunities and online education/training as an affiliate of The Attorneys On Retainer Association, along with comprehensive self-defense coverage and benefits from The Attorneys For Freedom Risk Retention Group, Inc.
- Commission-based affiliate program.
- Online self-defense training/education.
- Legal advocacy to vindicate Constitutional and business rights.
- Discounts on firearms, ammo, and other related items.
- Coverage is available to all 50 states (including Washington D.C.).
- 24/7/365 emergency hotline access to an attorney.
- Attorney-client confidentiality.
- ALL coverage decisions are determined by the law firm (not insurance adjusters).
- No fees for criminal and civil defense legal representation through jury trial.
- Only law firm that is exclusive to self-defense cases.
- FREE Strategy Sessions with all attorneys for any self-defense incident.
- $100,000 toward civil liability coverage.
- $15,000 toward red flag/emergency order coverage.
- $5,000 toward expungement/record clearing coverage.
- $50,000 toward a secure bail bond on a posted bond value of up to $500,000 OR $50,000 towards a cash-only bail bond.
- $4,000 toward scene clean-up.
- $1,000 toward firearm replacement (if confiscated).
- $1,500 toward psychological counseling or up to 10 psychological counseling sessions.
- Coverage for on-duty security.
- No fees for expert witness, investigation, retrials, appeals, or any additional court costs or defense-related expenses.
Have a Question About AOR? Contact Us Today.
Our AOR Support Team is here to assist you. Feel free to call us at 866-404-5112 or contact us online.
Available Membership Plans
One-time setup fee of $100. Monthly fees begin 30 days after setup.
For Individuals
For Families (price per person)
Terms & Conditions
There is a one-time nonrefundable set-up fee of $100.00. Monthly recurring payments will commence thirty days after the Agreement’s Effective Date. Annual recurring payments are due immediately. Members can cancel at any time. Monthly payments are nonrefundable. Annual payments are subject to a prorated refund if canceled within the year. The AOR Association complies with all state sales tax laws and sales tax will be applied where applicable. Representation in any legal matter is subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct, including the clearing of conflicts. Attorneys are ethically prohibited from representing clients in frivolous legal matters.
Transparency Matters
Feel free to view and download our current agreements and policy.
Click here to watch our explanation of the agreements video ›
Common Legal Situations Where Attorneys On Retainer Will Benefit You:
Self-Defense from Home Intrusion
Many homeowners own firearms to protect their families from home intruders. If you have to use your firearm in self-defense, you will be questioned by the police. You should never talk to the police without first speaking to an attorney.
Self-Defense From Imminent Threat of Serious Bodily Injury or Death
When there is an imminent threat of serious bodily injury or death, and you use your firearm or weapon in self-defense, you should expect that you will be questioned by the police and could be arrested. This is when having an experienced attorney is crucial.
Defensive Display of a Firearm
Displaying a firearm for self-defense is serious, even if you don't fire it. It is taken seriously by prosecutors, and a conviction may result in penalties and a criminal record. Should you ever have to display your firearm in self-defense, consider any such display as serious as if you had to fire your weapon.
Civil Lawsuit from Attacker or Their Family
Sometimes people will use a firearm (or any other weapon) as self-defense against an attacker and then find themselves being sued civilly by the attacker or their family. Even if you may have not been charged criminally, you still may face civil charges in some cases.
Contact Us
We’re here to help answer any questions you may have about our Attorneys On Retainer Program.
If you are involved in a self-defense incident, please call the emergency hotline on your membership card.
For non-emergencies, call 866-404-5112.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The AOR Program and how does it work?
The Attorneys On Retainer Program (“AOR”) consists of two separate legal contracts: 1. A legal services agreement with The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, and 2. A contract to become an affiliate of The Attorneys On Retainer Association (“The Association”).
As a result of the first contract, the AOR member becomes a client of The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm (“AFF”). As a client of the law firm, attorney-client privilege attaches immediately. All clients are requested to complete an emergency information form which provides information for the attorneys to use in the event of a release hearing which occurs after an arrest. The law firm also administers a 24/7/365 emergency hotline for AOR members to call in the event of a self-defense-related matter. All attorneys at the law firm stand ready to work as a team to defend any AFF client in court who is charged with a crime resulting from a self-defense-related matter. The attorneys also associate with the client’s choice of local counsel to represent clients in any state. Legal representation in the related civil case as well as representation in red flag/emergency order matters is also included along with all experts and investigators.
As a result of the second contract, every AOR member becomes an affiliate of The Attorneys On Retainer Association which advocates for the legal interests of commercial businesses, firearms enthusiasts, and people interested in self-defense issues. It also offers pro-bono legal representation to non-members who are wrongfully charged with crimes after acting in self-defense or defense of others. The Association also offers a series of professional online firearms education and training to all its affiliates. All affiliates can earn commissions as they successfully refer other businesses and individuals to receive training by becoming affiliates. The Association also owns The Attorneys For Freedom Risk Retention Group, Inc. (“RRG”), which insures The AOR Association as well as all affiliates and provides funding for legal representation without many of the exclusions often found in insurance products. Affiliates receive other benefits including discounts on firearms, ammunition, and other items, as well as the AOR Conference, a monthly newsletter, and opportunities to receive legal advice on self-defense-related legal matters.
Why does AOR charge a $100 sign-up fee?
The non-refundable sign-up fee is to have your membership start immediately - no waiting period, no matter if you decide to pay monthly or annually. This fee also covers the administrative fee because you are not just a member of AOR but a client of the law firm.
What fees are included in the AOR membership?
Regarding self-defense-related legal matters only, AOR includes 100% of your attorneys’ fees through trial and any additional court costs and 3rd party expenses necessary to effective representation. Victim’s rights representation, civil defense and any necessary appeals are also included without any additional fees, costs, or expenses. Unless prohibited by your state, AOR also offers up to $50,000 toward bail, $4,000 toward scene cleanup, $1,500 toward mental health counseling services, and $1,000 toward firearm replacement reimbursement.
What exclusions apply to the AOR membership for self-defense-related legal matters?
There are no exclusions so long as the following three requirements are met:
- You are charged, or reasonably concerned about being charged, with either a felony or misdemeanor crime;
- You reasonably and in good faith assert you acted in self-defense or defense of a 3rd party as a defense to the charge; and
- The incident occurred after you joined AOR.
The following DO NOT operate as exclusions:
- You are charged with a crime
- You committed a criminal or illegal act
- You used an illegal weapon
- The incident occurred in a gun-free zone
- You are a prohibited possessor
- You were impaired by any drug or alcohol
- The incident arises out of a domestic dispute
- You failed to possess or possessed an invalid concealed weapons permit
- The incident involved a negligent or accidental discharge of your firearm
- A weapon other than a firearm was used
- No weapon was used
Do I need a valid CCW in a state with constitutional carry to obtain the AOR membership?
No. That is the beauty of being established by a law firm and not a third party insurance company. No matter the status of your CCW license AOR will still represent you. Even if your self-defense matter occurred while you did not possess a valid or possessed an invalid CCW permit.
Does AOR apply to misdemeanors?
Yes, so long as the following three requirements are met,
1. You are charged, or reasonably concerned about being charged, with either a felony or misdemeanor crime;
2. You reasonably and in good faith assert you acted in self-defense or defense of a 3rd party as a defense to the charge; and
3. The incident occurred after you became a member of Attorneys On Retainer.
What is the procedure to enact the AOR membership in the event a self-defense matter arises?
Post Self-Defense-Related Matter Instructions:
- If human life is in danger, 911 should be called immediately.
- Tell the 911 operator: “Medical attention is needed immediately. Someone is injured. Send Help.”
- Provide address and end the call.
- Call the emergency AOR hotline
- DO NOT make any further statements to the 911 operator, any responding officers, or anyone else.
- Ask to have your attorney present during any questioning and to privately call your attorney now.
AOR members should call the emergency hotline located on their member contact card.
Non-AOR members should call The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm at 480-755-7110.
We will take action immediately to protect your rights. You are also free to have any other person contact our law firm on your behalf.
Does AOR apply to members who are working "on-duty" as a security guard, police officer, or other professional?
Yes, we provide coverage for “on-duty” security personnel, so long as the following three requirements are met:
1. You are charged, or reasonably concerned about being charged, with either a felony or misdemeanor crime;
2. You reasonably and in good faith assert you acted in self-defense or defense of a 3rd party as a defense to the charge; and
3. The incident occurred after you became a member of Attorneys On Retainer.
However, AOR is secondary to any insurance policy or other legal benefit coverage that may apply.
Does AOR offer veteran/military discounts?
Yes. We offer a $25 off the one-time signup fee. (This discount CANNOT be stacked with the Family Plan or other promo codes.)
Does AOR cover me in all 50 states?
Yes. Our attorneys can appear via the pro hac vice rules in any state.
Under the AOR Family Plan, what is considered a "family member"? Do they have to reside in the same household?
Anyone within your family who is 18 years or older, husband & wife/son/daughter/nieces/nephew/grandparents, etc. can be under the account holder’s Family Plan. These family members DO NOT need to be living in the same household as the account holder.
When do I officially become an AOR member?
As soon as a person signs the AOR and AFF agreements, acknowledges the fee agreement video, and then pays the initial fee, the person is then an AOR member in good standing. AOR members will also be automatic affiliates of The AOR Association. Members, who are also affiliates, will have access to the AOR Member Portal. Members will soon begin receiving our periodic newsletter, receive an invitation to the periodic AOR Conference, have access to the Affiliate Program section of the AOR Member Portal, and have The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm standing by for any legal emergencies resulting from a self-defense matter. We will also represent any AOR member in court if the member is charged with any crime meeting our three criteria.