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US LawShield Review: Examining the True Implications of Their Self-Defense Policy

By Attorney Marc J. Victor

April 12, 2023


AOR program Update - 9/15/23

The Attorneys On Retainer Program has been updated since this video was released and we are NOW A NATIONAL PROGRAM AND OFFER ADDITIONAL COVERAGE for bail bonds, expert witnesses, investigator fees, scene cleanup, firearm reimbursement, and more! For more information, visit our self-protection plans.

After uncovering the realities behind several prominent self-defense insurance companies, we have received numerous requests to investigate others. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the self-defense policy offered by US LawShield. Like many other insurers, US LawShield provides members with training, gun education, and legal coverage. However, like USSCA, FLP, and CCW Safe, their policy has several drawbacks and exclusions that a potential member should be wary of.


As I stated in my previous reviews, all of these CCW plans are great for training and educational purposes, but if you are looking for real legal protection in a self-defense shooting, please be sure that you thoroughly read through their membership agreements as there could be exclusions or provisions that may prevent you from getting the coverage you need.


Key Points:


No Coverage If the Incident Takes Place In a “Gun-Free” Zone

Section V - Limitations and Exclusions, Subsection A, Part 2

“In order for a Member or Covered Person to receive the benefits described in this Policy, at the time of a Use Of A Weapon incident occurs, the Member or covered person must be: (2) at the time of the Use Of A Weapon the Member must be in a location where Member or Covered Person could legally possess a weapon.”    

We are hearing about “safe places” more and more in terms of where you can and cannot carry a gun. Whether this is open carry or conceal carry, gun owners are getting more and more restricted as to where they can legally carry their guns. Should you bring your weapon and use your gun in a self-defense shooting in one of these “safe places “or “gun-free” zones you can expect that US LawShield will not provide you coverage.


No Coverage if You Are Charged with a Criminal Act

Section V – Limitations and Exclusions, Subsection E

“This Policy specifically excludes legal representation in criminal or civil matters arising from the Covered Person’s possession of a weapon in violation of local, state, or federal laws…"    

As pointed out in the USCCA and FLP contracts, US LawShield has been added to the list that will not cover their “member” or “covered person” if the shooting is not found to be in self-defense. In 2019 a report from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, there were 235 justifiable homicides by private citizens using firearms. The alarming fact about this statistic is that this accounts for 3.3% of all homicides committed in 2019. Even if you were accused of first-degree murder but plead guilty to a lesser charge, such as a misdemeanor, US Law Shield will not offer you any member benefits. This is unfortunate since the main reason you joined US Law Shield was to receive such benefits.


No Coverage for Domestic Violence

Section V - Limitations and Exclusions, Subsection F

“This Policy specifically excludes providing legal representation by a Plan Attorney for any incident, criminal investigation, or prosecution arising from the Use Of A Weapon by the Member or Covered Person against the Member or Covered Person’s current or former family member, household, or dating relationship as defined in the state statutes or other applicable state law."

Lots of criminal cases get charged arising out of domestic violence incidents. Victims of domestic violence sometimes have no other option but to defend themselves against someone intending to cause harm to them or their loved ones. Unfortunately, there is no coverage from U.S. LawShield if a member is involved in a self-defense incident emerging out of domestic violence.


You Cannot Pick Your Own Attorney

Under Limitations and Exclusions

“Each member and the covered person is free to consult with any attorney of their choice about any matters at the covered person’s sole expense."

Just like USCCA, CCW Safe, and Firearms Legal Protection, US LawShield gives you a network of attorneys whom they have pre-approved to work for them that you can choose from, for free. However, you do have the opportunity to choose your own attorney being that this is a constitutional right, but you are then expected to pay out of pocket to cover ALL attorneys’ fees should you choose someone outside of their network. Isn’t this the whole reason you would want to obtain coverage, to begin with, to ensure that your attorney fees are covered regardless of if these attorneys are working directly with the insurance company or not?



Upon reviewing yet another “self-defense” insurance policy that falsely claims to provide coverage for situations where it is not legally possible, it has become evident that US LawShield does not live up to its marked image. If you are seeking a trustworthy legal defense team that will defend your freedom in a self-defense scenario, we recommend exploring our Attorneys On Retainer program with the Attorneys for Freedom.

If you are looking for experienced, committed, and aggressive criminal defense attorneys in case a shooting occurs, our Attorneys On Retainer program is the plan you should look at. As long as we can ethically assert self-defense in your case, and the matter is a misdemeanor or felony that arose AFTER you signed up, you will be covered.

Criminal Defense Attorney and founder/owner of Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm, Marc J. Victor, specializes in major felony and self-defense cases. With experience as a legal commentator, he is also a long-time freedom activist and a former U.S. Marine Corps combat veteran of Operation Desert Storm.

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