March 24, 2025
Commercial Liability Coverage
The Attorneys On Retainer Program (“AOR”) offers valuable benefits designed to protect AOR members who are business owners, including commercial liability coverage. Traditional commercial liability coverage protects business owners against claims of liability for bodily injury, property damage, and personal and advertising injury. AOR’s commercial liability coverage protects business owners for the actions of their employees involved in a self-defense incident if those actions are within the scope of employment.
For example, if a plumber gets into a self-defense incident at a customer’s house, the plumbing business could be sued civilly. Under those circumstances, AOR would cover the plumbing business if sued because the lawsuit stemmed from the employee’s self-defense incident that occurred within the scope of employment.
When your business is signed up with AOR, you will receive commercial liability representation from The Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm (“AFF”) for any self-defense-related matter involving an employee. AOR’s commercial liability coverage provides members with up to $100,000 in commercial liability coverage.